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Audible planescapes

This one is an album cover for a friend of mine. His name is Simeon Dotkov a.k.a Mokushi and  the album is called "Audible planescapes". Four songs dedicated to the East,South,West and North.
Check the album here: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbuerZFxyeWxZwBOJZfackOcJ50F2X6A6
: ). Subscribe to the channel if you like his songs ! :))

The picure is part of an older photomanipulation of mine:

The full version :)

Stocks used:



Популярни публикации от този блог

Pillars of Nosgoth side project part 2

Hey,everyone! I have returned with another blog post of mine. Part 2 of The Pillars of Nosgoth side project. Finally managed to finish it up and i can proudly present it to you! This is the final version of the scene! Now i will explain i how i did the terrain and all other small thingies. It will be a long post, sooo stay with me! :D The poor terrain went through so many changes until i find something that i really like and it resembles a bit the original from the games. Deleted all old things and started again. As you can see i added some trees and a terrain material. For the material i watched this very helpful tutorial:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqqzKvBc9hc I tweaked it a little bit to make it suitable for a terrain - inserted a LandscapeCoord node and plugged it into the texture nodes inside Unreal Engine 4's Material Editor. But still something was off and i wanted to add some more textures to the terrain and apparently with this mate

Vili's bizarre 3D printing adventures, part 3 - The beetle warrior

Hello again, everone! I hope you are all well and safe out there during these strange times. To cheer up your day here is another entry of my 3D printing journal. Returning back to the figurines that I printed for my mentor Martin Punchev  for the exhibition of his students works from the  Character design course  at Additive days 2020 conference. Next one in the second batch was a model of one very brave beetle warrior modeled by Mihail Topalov . Beetle warrior by Mihail Topalov I will tell you a secret - this is one of my top favorites <3. Model analysis As you can see here we have a lot of small and frail parts like the antennas of the beetle and his weapon. My mentor Martin told me to pay extra attention to them. Also we have two sets of arms and one set of hands, one set of legs and feet, one head, body and wings. A lot of parts,huh? ;) Following the briefing the head should be more detailed as well as the top of the weapon. All other parts can use more

Pillars of Nosgoth side project

Hey,everyone! Finally found the time to update this blog :D. This time i started a side project a few months ago. It is a tribute to my all time favorite franchise Legacy of Kain! I have always wanted to do the pillars of Nosgoth. They are so amazing and mysterious! The Pillars are central for the story in all 5 games. You can read more about them here: http://legacyofkain.wikia.com/wiki/Pillars_of_Nosgoth And so i started my journey: First the low poly of the pillar and the base. Of course the platform gave me headaches and had to redo it a couple of times until i get the shape the right way. All of them together with the color map done. Even the platform looks okay now with the right shape. After i did  the models i turned to Unreal engine 4 and started assembling the scene. The terrain tool is very handy in the engine. I also did a bit of greyboxing, modeled some walls and archways but there was still something about the entire thing that was