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Показват се публикации от юли, 2016

Future Love

Hey, everyone! This is my new artwork :).  It is a cover art for a friend who composes music in his spare time and i decided to do something for him :). Here is a link to his soundcloud account: https://soundcloud.com/nikolaiangelovmusic Credits: http://mariaamanda.deviantart.com/ http://sadmonkeydesign-res.deviantart.com/ http://resurgere.deviantart.com/ http://al-batal.deviantart.com/ http://corelila.deviantart.com/

Peaceful Dream

Hey everyone! I know that this blog was kinda dead for the past few months, but i was extremely busy with work and masters degree plus the terrible artblock i had and lack of time to create anything ^^. Now i am relatively free and i will have more time for art and design so i will try to update my blogspot more often :) Hope you like my new artwork! Credits: night-fate-stock.deviantart.com http://denysroquedesign.deviantart.com/ http://electricsorceress.deviantart.com/art/Free-Stock-Photo-Rules-in-description-458699392 Photographer: Marina Schneider Moog Model: Electric Sorceress http://ed-resources.deviantart.com/art/Scrying-Necklace-1-189608266 http://insan-stock.deviantart.com/art/Paper-Texture-4-57028438