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Pillars of Nosgoth side project part 2

Hey,everyone! I have returned with another blog post of mine. Part 2 of The Pillars of Nosgoth side project. Finally managed to finish it up and i can proudly present it to you!

This is the final version of the scene! Now i will explain i how i did the terrain and all other small thingies. It will be a long post, sooo stay with me! :D

The poor terrain went through so many changes until i find something that i really like and it resembles a bit the original from the games.

Deleted all old things and started again. As you can see i added some trees and a terrain material.
For the material i watched this very helpful tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqqzKvBc9hc

I tweaked it a little bit to make it suitable for a terrain - inserted a LandscapeCoord node and plugged it into the texture nodes inside Unreal Engine 4's Material Editor. But still something was off and i wanted to add some more textures to the terrain and apparently with this material i couldn't, so i made a new one, and left this one for the rocks that i used in the scene:

For the new terrain material i turned to this tutorial here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSfM-oeBo44&index=22&list=PLL0cLF8gjBpqGJwEe5XL5mSL8UvwwVMKu . This guy has great tutorials on game dev!
What i did was to use the textures from the starter pack for the rocks and gravel,while for the snow i used a texture from https://www.textures.com . Very good website for resources!

After that i just started painting my terrain with the newly created material.

In Unlit Mode

Everything started to look better with materials,but still the scene looked kinda flat. I made a very simple matte painting and added it inside the level. The scene became better and received a bit of depth. I used a simple cylinder with the matte painting material. The top and the bottom of the cylinder must be removed!

After that i made a some more props like braziers and stone statues. I would like to thank Patrick Johnson - The Hylden who sent me the ref models of these props. Check out his portfolio! He does amazing things! :) Using the references i made my own models with my own textures:

Rendered in Marmoset.

For these two the workflow was the usual one - Low Poly -> High Poly -> Bake normals in xNormal + some minor work in nDO -> Texture with DDO -> Import everything into the engine.

After the props were ready too, I decided to add some fire into the braziers and snow particles. For them i watched these two tutorials here: Snow particles and Fire particles . To be honest this was my very first try with particles :D. I didn't even do any particles back in my UDK days :D.
It was a lot of fun doing them and it is pretty easy too! ^_^

For the final touches i used Exponential Height Fog and a Post-Processing volume to create a more mysterious and dark atmosphere.

Final look!

I am glad i made this journey! I learned a lot from this side project! I hope this post will be useful too! If you have any questions just drop a comment and i will try to answer them!

Thank you for reading this rather long post! :D


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