Hey,everyone! Finally found the time to update this blog :D. This time i started a side project a few months ago. It is a tribute to my all time favorite franchise Legacy of Kain! I have always wanted to do the pillars of Nosgoth. They are so amazing and mysterious! The Pillars are central for the story in all 5 games. You can read more about them here: http://legacyofkain.wikia.com/wiki/Pillars_of_Nosgoth And so i started my journey: First the low poly of the pillar and the base. Of course the platform gave me headaches and had to redo it a couple of times until i get the shape the right way. All of them together with the color map done. Even the platform looks okay now with the right shape. After i did the models i turned to Unreal engine 4 and started assembling the scene. The terrain tool is very handy in the engine. I also did a bit of greyboxing, modeled some walls and archways but there was still something about the entire thing that...
My personal blog for my artworks and designs.