Hi,everyone! This will be another lengthy post of mine. I will share my works as a 3D artist for a VR project during the past year :). All models are done with 3Ds Max, normals baked with xNormal and additionally processed with Quixel's NDO, textures with Quixel's DDO and integrated into the game with Unreal Engine 4. Lets see what we got here :P . Starting with nice comfy chair where the player "sits"and watches a lap dance of a stripper in the bar. The normals are done only in NDO! There was no time for high poly and anyway the low poly was taking me forever to finish, so i improvised. The normal map is one crazy photomanipulation of normal maps but the end result is totally worth it! :D Check out the full 3D model on my Artstation -> https://www.artstation.com/artwork/wLXo6 A tasty donut health pickup :). Nothing special for the model itself. Just a regular torus :D. On the other hand the texturing was a pain since i had to literall...
My personal blog for my artworks and designs.