Hey, everyone! Today i want to show you my project for 3D printed earring. It came to my mind recently when i was browsing my Legacy of Kain folder full with screenshots and fan arts. I discovered that i can try to make 3D printed earrings/necklaces out of the clan symbols from Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver. They will look very neat as earrings :D. Up to now the clan symbols ready are the ones of Dumah, Rahab and Raziel. I still need to do Melchiah's, Zephon's and Turel's. The one which is going to give me a very hard time is the one of Kain. I need to look for a way to model it in a comfy version for earring/necklace :). So far these are works in progress. I will keep posting more when i am ready with the others :).
My personal blog for my artworks and designs.